St Benildus celebrate Faith in the Presence of God

On March 12th a group of Junior and Senior music students from St. Benildus College participated in the Emmanuel 2024 concert.

The concert was part of a three-day event with numerous Catholic schools based in Dublin gathering to sing liturgical songs in unity promoting peace, love, and justice.

The students have dedicated many months learning the songs and it was lovely to see all our hard work come together over the course of the day.

On the morning of the Emmanuel, we spent the morning rehearsing our repertoire of songs in conjunction with 16 other schools. This was followed up with a number of bonding exercises for all schools to take part in, creating a sense of connection and community between all who attended the event.

We reflected on how little time we have to spend in our lives doing what we love and the importance of connecting with others.

Daniel and Scott Waldock offered their insights on how the students have bonded together ‘like brothers’ over the last few months and their enjoyment of singing as part of a choir.

After a quick lunch, then came the dress rehearsals. Our boys not only performed well but our two sixth year students, Niall Clinton and Conor Harrington, gave a beautiful reflection on the importance of water for life and to not take what God has given us for granted.

Soon it was our moment to sing together, not only the schools but the audience too. The choirs taught the audience a short song (with accompanying dance moves) creating an enjoyable and truly connected experience. Our boys showed truly exemplary behaviour throughout the day and we are so proud of them. Well done to all involved.


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