Tree planting at St. Helens to honour Founder

During Founder’s week, De La Salle School in St Helens marked the occasion by creating a space in the school grounds to be a space of beauty, of reflection and a way to celebrate nature and the world that we live in. We thank Brother Sean from St John’s Community for joining us during our service.

The trees were carefully selected for their individual properties and how they represented each one of our core Lasallian values. Each year group planted one of the trees and are gifted with the responsibility of nurturing and respecting this tree allowing this space to thrive as it matures over the years.

Year 7 planted the crab apple tree which is symbolic of youth, joy and magic and this links to our value of having an inclusive community because what greater joy is there than in the diversity and uniqueness of life and humanity?

Year 8 planted the whitebeam tree which is a beacon of hope and known to be strong. We planted this to remind us of our core value to provide a quality education honouring the bright and hopeful future that awaits us all.

Year 9 planted the Japanese Larch tree which is symbolic of having awareness of the world so this links with our core value of concern for the poor and social justice and how we seek to support those in need both in our community and further afield.

Year 10 planted the Japanese sycamore tree which is a symbol of strength, eternity and divinity. This links to our core value of faith and we recognise the faith that we share and that grows in each one of us.

Year 11 planted the Golden sunburst honey locust tree which is known for beauty, tolerance and protection. This links to our core value of respect for all persons as it has a strong root system and we all need strong roots to be able to ensure that we care for ourselves and for others and the environment, respecting the gift of our lives.


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